About university

/About university
About university2022-01-03T12:36:43+02:00

The ministry of higher education and scientific research decreed the establishment of technological universities according to the law of 72 for the year 2019. This regards as an important step in the novel Technical education track. Technological universities aim to provide students with practical and scientific skills
to keep up with the requirements of the local and international labor market through the technological programs, which were developed according to the needs of national projects and the geography of universities, that are applied in its faculties.




عزيزي الزائر، نقوم أحيانا بحفظ بعض الملفات على جهازك "الكوكيز والملفات المساعدة والصور" لعمل بعض الإحصائيات، ولكي يتم عرض صفحات الموقع بشكل جيد ومساعدتنا على خدمتك بشكل أفضل. أوافق